Hydraulic horsepower (hhp)
25 July 2017
Integrated control cabin
25 July 2017
Hydraulic horsepower (hhp)
25 July 2017
Integrated control cabin
25 July 2017


International Association of Drilling Contractors. IADC has exclusively represented the worldwide oil and gas drilling industry since 1940. IADC is a membership organization that represents companies owning and operating most of the planet’s land and offshore drilling units and responsible for developing the vast majority of well’s producing the world’s oil and gas. The membership includes all sectors of the industry—drilling contractors, oil and gas producers, well servicing contractors, equipment manufacturers, oilfield technical service companies and other firms with a stake in the global drilling industry. IADC works closely with governments and regulatory agencies around the world, as well as sponsoring a global series of conferences and workshops; publishing print and electronic publications, including both news and information sources and technical reference works; developing training standards; and promulgating guidelines. www.IADC.org and www.DrillingContractor.org.